The Change-Up
The title of The Change-Up is somewhat ironic, considering the familiarity of everything from its…
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Monkey business isn’t necessarily a bad thing when it comes to Rise of the Planet…
The Whistleblower
Human-rights groups might rally around The Whistleblower, even if it’s unlikely to bring much meaningful…
Capsule reviews for Aug. 5
Bellflower Style and attitude overcome some predictable plotting in Bellflower, a testosterone festival that marks…
Point Blank
At first glance, the high-octane French thriller Point Blank seems a prime candidate for a…
Good Neighbors
Pet lovers, take notice. However bad the cats have it in Good Neighbors, the humans…
Vampires and more in this week’s DVDs
DVDs for August 2 by Boo Allen This week, we begin in…