Movie Reviews

The Skeleton Key

A strange thing happened after opening weekend as studio generated buzz seeped into the advertising campaign. Suddenly (and supposedly) every one was talking about the twist ending for “The Skeleton Key.” For someone riding the fence on whether or not to see this film, I took the bait…

March of the Penguins

Antarctica, with its vast ranges of white, cliffs of ice, and frozen, deep blue, is an awe-inspiring place. My gratitude goes to the film makers who were insanely ambitious enough to brave this weather so that I need not. The cinematography, directed by Laurent Chalet and Jerome Maison, is the most remarkable documentary footage I have seen. Perhaps…

The Island

“Just because you eat the burger doesn’t mean you want to meet the cow,” says McCord (Steve Buscemi) when attempting to explain to the innocent Jordan Two-Delta (Scarlett Johansson) and Lincoln Six-Echo (Ewan McGregor) the world that benefits from their existence might not want to know…

Million Dollar Baby

Million Dollar Baby appears to be, first, about a boxer overcoming the odds. Then, it appears to be about the relationships between the characters. Finally, it reveals itself as a film about how we, as human beings, choose to deal with adversity—and behind every victory…